7 travel shows To Binge-Watch on NETFLIX

I’m writing this as I sit on a couch in front of my barely used TV. It’s been over a month since I arrived from my last trip. due to the COVID-19 threat, I canceled my upcoming travels and self-imposed social distancing. and now, Metro Manila is under community quarantine, further chaining me to this surprisingly comfortable couch.

I can’t remember the last time that I have stayed at home for this long. Thankfully, my location-independent job allows me to work from home. but over the past few weeks, even though I choose to stay within the four walls of my apartment, I still get to explore the world and live vicariously through the shows I have been been watching on Netflix.

Here are some travel-related features you might want to check out on the streaming platform. Note, however, that I’m only including titles that are available on Netflix Philippines.


1. Dark Tourist
2. Jack Whitehall: travels with My Father
3. Tales by Light
4. Conan Without Borders
5. street Food
6. restaurants on the Edge
7. Our Planet
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1. Dark Tourist

Dark tourist is an eight-episode documentary series that will take you to the places that ordinary travelers wouldn’t even dare considering for their itinerary. new Zealand journalist David Farrier focuses on “dark tourism” or traveling to attractions that are linked to death, tragedy or even the supernatural.

In the pilot episode, he flies to Medellín, Colombia, to meet Pablo Escobar’s former hit man and see the drug lord’s impact in the area’s tourism. He then proceeds to Mexico City, where he witnesses an exorcism. In Episode 7, he explores the origins of voodoo in Africa.

But the most nerve-wracking episode for me is when he journeys to Japan to visit Tomioka, a town severely affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster, before making his way to Aokigihara forest, a notorious suicide spot in the shadows of Mt. Fuji. These are places I would never set foot on so it was interesting to see someone else do it, to say the least.

2. Jack Whitehall: travels with My Father

In this road trip docu series, British comedian Jack Whitehall goes on a tour with his father Michael around Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam in an effort to reconnect and spend some quality time together, something they have not done in years. What happens is a hilarious journey that not only features fascinating spots but also breaks down the generational divide between the father and son.

The series returned for its second season, this time with the duo road-tripping across Europe, making stops in Germany, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine and ending in Turkey.

3. Tales by Light

“The art of seeing is such an extraordinary sense, and photography is such an extraordinary art. As a photographer, you see these moments which only you see, and you just want to share them and say ‘This is the world we live in’.” – Angela Scott

If you’re an aspiring photographer looking for a big dose of inspiration, get that remote and play Tales by Light, a breathtaking Australian documentary series. A collaborative project between national geographic and Canon, it trails professional photographers as they try to capture incredible moments that tell powerful stories.

All three seasons are now available on Netflix, with the first having six episodes and the rest with three each.

4. Conan Without Borders

A spin-off of the TBS talk show, Conan Without borders takes the ever-energetic Conan O’Brien around world. but unlike most late night shows where the host takes centerstage, the spotlight shifts to the place as Conan tries to connect with locals and get a better appreciation of the culture. Yet, unlike most travel show hosts, he’s not afraid to discuss uncomfortable topics. It’s a great fusion of information and entertainment, steered by an unlikely traveler with a sense of humor.

5. street Food

You’ll find the soul of any destination in the streets, where locals go about their daily lives. and it is in the food where you’ll see the biggest part of it. street food reflects not just the culinary tradition of the place but also the social conditions. It’s why we always search for street food and local markets whenever we travel.

This Netflix documentary not only showcases countries with a strong curbside cuisine but also the success stories of people whose passion influenced the local dining landscape. The featured countries are Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, and the Philippines.

6. restaurants on the Edge

Another food-centered title on Netflix is restaurants on the Edge. While it follows the reality-show format of other restaurant makeover series out there, what sets it apart is a strong focus on the location.

In this series, chef Dennis Prescott, restaurateur Nick Liberato and designer Karin Bohn travel to spectacular corners of the world to renovate a restaurHangya csillag nézetekkel, de küzdő üzletekkel. Frisso -t adnak a webhelynek, javítják a menüt, és segítik a tulajdonosokat a hely újraindításában. Ahogy ezt teszik, belemerülnek a város kulináris örökségébe és kultúrájába, hogy inspirálják munkájukat.

Nincs itt sok dráma vagy intrika. Nincs csalódott Gordon Ramsay dühösen kiabálva valakire. De ez egy nagyszerű eszköz, hogy többet megtudjon az általuk bemutatott úti célok ételeiről. És önmagában is érdemes egy patakot.

7. Bolygónk

Oké, ez inkább egy természeti dokumentumfilm, mint egy utazási dokumentumfilm, de a természet az utazás és a turizmus hatalmas része. David Attenborough elmondása szerint ez a nyolc részből álló sorozat a Föld életének sokféleségét tartalmazza, és a megőrzéssel és az emberek környezetre gyakorolt ​​hatásával foglalkozik. Mindegyik epizód egyfajta élőhelyet és a sok izgalmas életformát tartalmazza, amelyek otthonnak hívják.

A Rotten Tomatoes kritikus konszenzusának kijelenti: „A vizuális csoda és a környezeti érdekképviselet bőségszaruja, bolygónk lélegzetelállító filmművészete többet vizsgál ebből a gyönyörű, kék márványból, miközben sürgős cselekvésre ösztönzi a lakosságokat.”

További szavakkal Asta Alvarez

2020 • 3 • 15

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